If an astrologer says to you, “I see…” then you’ve got have to be compelled to be careful – astrology, constellation, astrology network, astrology tutorial, constellation test, international astrology master, international astrology resources.
“I see” style astrological consultation
In the earliest stages of astrology, astrologers don’t seem to be that fascinated by how clients feel or think. Astrologers have more to say.
Astrologers provides a awfully “safe” universal prediction after their opening remarks: “Money will go up and down in your lifetime.” this can be applicable to almost anyone.
Maybe this is often often what the astrologer said next: “I see th0at in three years your wealth will increase, then immediately you’ll lose money. After this loss, you will not be financially secure for 7 years. Then everything will change, and you may be Comfortable for 8 years.”
Notice how the astrologer begins with “I see.” it’s a standard fortune-telling-style phrase meaning that the astrologer saw something, possibly they saw a picture, or a vision — variety of a psychic.
The phrase features a mystical quality, as if astrologers have special abilities that allow them to “see the future.” it is not style of a doctor saying, “I saw something on your Xray report,” and thus the doctor can show you and explain. No, it is a a part of the divination style.
In this case, astrologers make very specific predictions about time frames for gains and losses, etc. If we add up the years, the astrologer’s prediction covers about 18 years. Presumably, a client can text an astrologer in 18 years and say, “You’re right!”
Perhaps the client will return for a further consultation with the astrologer, assuming the astrologer continues to be practicing or still alive. Or, if the astrologer is wrong, the client can find the astrologer. What! Imagine a client-facing an astrologer. “You’re wrong! i wont to be very successful, and now I’m a millionaire!” a minimum of, there would be no compelling reason to ask a refund.
Clients won’t be able to test astrologers’ predictions until three years at the earliest. Then, if a client’s financial situation improves after three years, the client might come to see how bad their loss are over the following seven years.
Of course, clients could even be so frustrated by the “you’ll never be rich” statement that they see no should return and check with an astrologer the smallest amount bit.
Much depends on the client’s spirit at the time of the consultation and also the way vulnerable they’re personally.
Those who are already depressed, and hopeless about their current financial situation are less likely to be encouraged by the prediction, that their wealth will increase in three years. Especially given the anticipated seven-year financial risk, and “you will never be rich” The words were still ringing in their ears.
Astrologers need to understand how their clients are feeling
My point is simple. The patient’s emotional or mental state at the time of treatment was not taken into account at all. Astrologers are not trying to understand how their clients are feeling.
Why does this matter? Because the client is there, even if “there” means their face is looking back at the astrologer on the WeChat video. And astrologers don’t try to interact with clients in any meaningful way.
Clients can text their questions to the astrologer, who can also write down their answers, or record the same statement they make in front of the client. Of course, a written report or recording of an astrologer talking about your horoscope isn’t really astrological consultation, is it? Just a report.
So, what is the importance of the client’s emotional or mental state in a consultation? Why do astrologers need to understand the client’s life? The
the answer, there are two main reasons: Empathy.
During the consultation, show some genuine interest in the client’s feelings or mental state, and embrace a non-judgmental attitude of acceptance, opening the connection between the astrologer and the client.
This connection promotes communication, which means clients are more likely to understand what the astrologer is saying and feel inspired to express themselves. A natural conversation may ensue, and the astrologer gradually learns more about the client.
The client begins to feel heard and heard, and the astrologer becomes more aware of how the client’s natal chart is connected to the client’s experience.
Background/context. Note the phrase at the end of the previous sentence, “The astrologer is more aware of how the client’s natal chart relates to the client’s experience.” The word “connection” is very important here because the most basic definition of modern astrology is: “The interpretation of human experience is based on the examination and correlation of celestial activity.”
In other words, interpretation requires relevance, and relevance requires context!
Astrological consultation without context is meaningless
Some may ask, “Can’t an astrologer judge a client’s feelings just by looking at their horoscope, or already know what’s going on in their life?” The answer is: no context, no.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn about yourself from astrology books or reports. The author or writer doesn’t know you at all, but you may gain valuable insights about yourself.
However, when you are reading an astrology book or astrology report, “you” is the one who connects your life experiences to what is written in the book. You already have a background that you know, which is yourself.
Now I want to focus on “context”. I promise that in the next series of articles, I will devote a great deal to the important topic of empathy and empathy.
Let’s honestly consider the context of the star map. Can you tell from the star map if this is male or female? Let’s assume the star map has no names, no clues, no context.
The answer is negative. Unless someone tells you it’s a man’s or a woman’s chart, you can only guess — “a chart” is a simple half-and-half guess.
- Can an astrologer hold a stack of 100 actual birth charts, separated by gender? No.
- Can an astrologer hold a stack of 100 birth charts and tell you which ones are gay? No.
Can an astrologer take a stack of 100 actual birth charts and accurately separate them according to their financial status, such as: poor, average, or rich? No.
Can an astrologer accurately identify from a pile of 100 actual birth charts who has been married, who has never been married, and who has been married and then divorced? No.
Can an American astrologer take a stack of 100 real birth charts and accurately differentiate them according to their party (Democratic or Republican)? Can not.
In fact, unless someone tells you exactly that the chart you’re looking at is a human chart, it could be a horse chart, a company’s IPO chart, or something like a new idea moment. Such an ethereal star map.
The map itself is just a simple star map representing our solar system at a specific time, measured and viewed from the geocentric perspective of a specific location, such as a town or city. Without any other context, a star map has no other relevance or importance.